Learning to code should be as much part of your child's education as long division, conjugation of verbs and that rhyme about the six wives of Henry VIII (or at least it should be) ~ Neill Bennett
We live in a rapidly changing and digitalised world. Coding is an important skill for the future, and not necessarily because your child might end up working as a programmer.
Coding offers transferrable disciplines that help kids to learn relevant and competitive skills whilst developing a problem-solving mindset from an early age.
The inclusion of, or access to any subject in school should be because - learning this will enable young people to gain the knowledge and skills to help them make sense of their world, and contribute to it.
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the need for digital literacy and skills for all. The demand for digital skills is greater than ever, and will increase for the foreseeable
future. If we do not teach young people to be digitally literate, they will be ill prepared for the future. ​
The inclusion of, or access to any subject in school should be because - learning this will enable young people to gain the knowledge and skills to help them make sense of their world, and contribute to it.
In the coming years, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) sector is expected to be one of the largest employers in the world. Now, not every child will grow up to work in a STEM related field, but it can be argued that they will have business or working relationships with someone that is.
We only have to look at how many tech services like online shopping, Netflix, Zoom, Just Eat or Deliveroo were essential during lockdown. These companies at their heart are built on algorithms and code. With the opportunities that coding provides, many parents would like their children to learn computer programming. But not every school offers children this chance. ​
As a result, many forward-thinking grownups are seeking out First Class Coders, as we make learning 21st century skills accessible for the youngest of minds. ​
Children can learn to code without needing to read or write. The sense of accomplishment, confidence and self-esteem children get when they make a sprite do exactly as they want solve a problem, fix a bug in their code or design their own program is clear for all to see.
This student has integrated advanced programming concepts and science knowledge to create this animation explaining the lifecycle of a butterfly for a school homework project.
Our coding & robotics classes and courses are designed to teach these skills to children age 5+ years in an easy, playful and fun way. ​
With so many learning options, we've made learning to code easy. If that wasn’t enough, at our in person classes - we bring the tech, so there’s no hassle of fuss.
Open your child’s imagination and introduce them to the limitless possibilities of coding.
Start their computing learning journey now!
Look forward to seeing you #PlayCodeGrow with us!